To: Evan Sayre

Fulton Town Board Chairman


FROM: Alan Sweeney

Rock County Board Supervisor


RE: Rock River Leisure Estates


(001) Thank you for bringing me up-to-date on the Town of Fulton residency problems at Rock River Leisure Estates.


(002) Per our conversation, the exit strategy proposed by you seems equitable for the Town of Fulton and some of the permanent residents that according to the town are in violation of Town Zoning Ordinance.


(003) If this solution is not seen as fair to Rock River Leisure Estates, full time residential assessment to all lots is the next best step.


(004) If any county services can be of assistance to you, please let me know.


Alan Sweeney


Foot Note:

(005) Apparently, this has already been completed per the Wisconsin Court of Appeals ruling of November 16, 2000.


(006) Case No. 99-2466